The Lemon Twigs, led by brothers Brian and Michael D'Addario, haveonce again captivated the music world with their latest album, ADream Is All We Know. Following the acclaim of Everything Harmony,which garnered praise from icons like Questlove and Iggy Pop, thisnew release offers a more hopeful and dreamlike escape, contrastingthe darker tones of it's predecessor.A Dream Is All We Know has been celebrated as one of the best albumsof 2024, with The Guardian praising it's "fabulous songwriting" and"soaring harmonies." The Needle Drop also lauded the album, callingit "a beautiful place full of colorful imagery, heartfelt storytelling, andexpertly delivered performances," awarding it a 'Strong 9.'The album opens with the lead single "My Golden Years," where Michael sings, "In time I hope that I can show all the world the love in mymind," setting the tone for a collection of tracks that blend progressive pop with a vintage feel. From the euphoric harmonies of "TheyDon't Know How To Fall In Place" to the existential space-age journeyof "A Dream Is All I Know," the album showcases the brothers' versatilesongwriting. Other highlights include the baroque "Sweet Vibration"and the two-part narrative of "Peppermint Roses."Produced entirely analog in their Brooklyn studio, most of the albumwas crafted by the brothers themselves, with one notable exception:"In The Eyes Of The Girl," co-produced by Sean Ono Lennon. The albumconcludes with "Rock On (Over and Over)," an homage to early rockand roll, underscoring The Lemon Twigs' place within a timeless genre.Critics have universally praised the album, with Shindig! Awarding itfive stars, Uncut and Louder giving it a 9/10, and The Times celebratingit's "peculiar yet delightful world." After nearly a decade in the industry,The Lemon Twigs are finally receiving the recognition they deserve,with their recent work resonating more deeply than ever before. ADream Is All We Know marks another milestone in their evolving legacy, solidifying their status as one of today's most innovative rock bands.